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Irish Soda Bread

Irish Soda Bread

Irish soda bread history began in the 1830s, when baking soda, or bicarbonate soda, was first introduced to the country. Soda breads were used to mop up hearty stews and wash down pots of tea, and enjoyed as a traditional holiday treat with dried fruits added.

Classic Chocolate Crinkles

Classic Chocolate Crinkles

Find your Holiday Spirit baking this Burlington County Farm Fair blue ribbon cookie recipe! The classic Chocolate crinkle is a winter staple in many households.

Holiday Cranberry Wreath

Holiday Cranberry Wreath

We’ll fill the kitchen with warm holiday scents as we mix our dough for rising and make a quick cranberry jam for the filling. You will cut and twist your dough to create an edible showstopper while we will talk about the many ways to use cranberries throughout the year, not just for holidays.

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