Farmers Market Opening Day Recap!
A recap of Opening Day at the Burlington County Farmers Market - Our favorite day of the year
What a great Opening Day we had on Saturday!
A huge THANK YOU to all of you for coming out. You, the fabulous weather and our dedicated vendors played a major role in the success of the day as we were pleasantly inundated after it warmed up a bit.
As you saw, the Ag Center was filled to the brim with vendors as shoppers picnicked and strolled between the farmhouse and all the way to the community gardens for the fig tree talks. It was great to see the community gather together to welcome our new season.
It was such a great day with so many things to do, to learn, and to buy that left everyone with a smile. With our Fig Tree and Composting Demos, Pollinator Presentations, Community and Wildlife Habitat Talks, and Rose Care & Pruning Presentations, there was a whole wealth of knowledge to absorb.
With it being Mother’s Day weekend, how could we not have a fun hands-on-activity for the kids?… or 2!
We offered kids of all ages a chance to make mom smile with Pressed Flowers Mother’s Day Cards and Plant-Your-Own Succulents (or Carnivorous Plant!) This was a great way to not only appreciate the moms in our lives, but to also teach kids how to plant and care for a plant, and a way to express themselves creatively!
That sounds like a win-win-win to us!

Since Opening Day had a big emphasis on Spring Gardens, it offered such a nice view (and aroma) upon entering the market.
Bart’s Flowers greeted us on the walkway, and Foggy Bottom Tree Farm had their fig, hazelnut and chestnut trees waiting to be taken home.
Meanwhile, the sea of flower bouquets at Durrs BlueBox just couldn’t be missed.
Hope Sprouts, Oak Tree Acres, and Peonies, Petals and Poseys displayed their flowers and herb/vegetable starters across the market…… this just to name a few.
We had SO MUCH garden inspo to fill our heart – and trunks.
We’re sure your home gardens are thanking you 😉

Now that spring has sprung, we’re so excited to see what new fruits and veggies will be coming into season with each Saturday. We love our Ag Vendors!
With Opening Day in the past, we can now get back into our steady groove of Market Saturdays as our fridges will always be stocked. Every Saturday until November 23rd, make sure the Burlington County Farmers Market is part of your morning routine! We will be open 8:30 am – 1 pm, rain or shine!

Check back to our website and follow us on our Facebook and Instagram. Stay in the loop with what’s going on at the Burlington County Farmers Market!
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